List of Weekly Events, Challenges, and Rewards

clash of clans There are often many events taking place in a week depending on the season, along with other schedules based on interest. To keep players engaged in Clash of Clans, the game features a variety of events and challenges with plenty of rewards. Keeping up to date with upcoming events is crucial for players. So we’ve created this section to give you an overview of the weekly events happening this year July 2023 in Clash of Clans.

Clash of Clans July 2023 Weekly Events


The Season July 2023 will be live with the goblin theme. The concept for the events and challenges therefore remains in place. There are some events that repeat every month Clan War Leagues And raid weekend. Next to, 1 gem army boost, as well as 1 Gem Hero Boost, will also be available. Therefore, we will not go into detail about these events. The rest of the events take place each week as follows.

Week 1: July 1st to July 7th

Goblin King Challenge

The first challenge of the month will be Goblin King Challenge, which will be available to showcase the brand new Goblin-themed Grand King skin. A town hall 15 The base is pictured and was designed by popular content creator Sir Moose.